This product allows you to add a water bottle onto small kids bikes below the downtube...facing the wheel not ideal but the kids love to have an on-board bottle like Mom & Dad. The magnetic click is fool proof as long as you __orient the up direction correctly__!!!. It's now so easy for the kids to get their own bottle off...and better yet back on securely every time! My 4 year can do it! Also my 8 year old can do it while pedaling think I was still in training wheels at her age ^_^.
This fits easily on a 24" bike (inside frame) and bit tight on a 20" bike it's just about do-able on a 16" bike but you need aim it underneath and then find a very slim water bottle on that smallest bike size.
I paired it with their BOA mount and fit it to a very narrow slim short bottle for the win on the 16" bike. I doubt it would fit a smaller 14" wheeled bike...but you never know.
Only feedback I wish you could buy the BOA bottle holder with this Unibase (with the straps). It was cheaper to buy the BOA with the screw-on mount plus this Unibase separately.
A bit expensive...but it will grow with my kids so I'll just move it up from bike to bike and expect it to last as it's very you would expect at this price-point. It's worth-it for the sense of independence it gives them. Also no more sweaty hydration backpack or dirty hose problems (or leaks down the back) so it's improved the family day-long pathway rides/park hopping (less whining!). The little one will just stop her bike unclip & grab a swig re-clip it and then pedal on without a word...adorbs!
The older child prefers this on her full-sus trail bike vs. the hydration pack and we run the bottle under the downtube because the rear-shock takes all the space in the triangle. So far it hasn't spun or rattled off but I really had to crank on the rubber straps to cinch it down...time will tell if it lasts thru techy blue single-track!;